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我們正處於全球性的生活挑戰,然而,聖靈卻在教會工作,現在每天早上平均已有1,000 多人參與實體禱告會。2022年教會總決志人數1,991,而什一奉獻更有百份之二十的增長。至於,今年2023年的「福從天降喜迎春」佈道運動,教會接觸人數已經超過目標的20萬人(至1月),並邁向30萬人,連同「香城心窗」首次於香港電台的播放,深信神在「新浪之年」將會帶領教會有更大、更新的突破。在安穩之時,成為門徒的代價似乎並不高。人們雖然奉主基督之名禱告,卻未必能真實經歷因生命降服帶來的徹底改變。基督徒的靈性植根於我們與神的關係,真正的門徒意味著捨棄一切,背起十字架跟從耶穌。




The pandemic has exacerbated major economic and social challenges across the globe and the disruption of Ukraine war have amplified people’s fear and anxiety. Hong Kong churches have not been spared the devastating effects of the pandemic and the war, and are dealing with the critical issues of suspended services, decreased membership, and losing faith and enthusiasm to God among believers.

By the grace of God, our church received the prophecy of great revival during this tough time and the congregation has been experiencing repentance, spiritual awakening and life transformation, just as the miracle of water turned wine that is powerful and significant. Since the pandemic occurred, our church has been uninterruptedly holding daily morning prayer meetings both online and physically, and these daily prayer assemblies have marked extraordinary spiritual breakthroughs in believers’ life.

The life challenges we are experiencing is universal, yet the work of the Holy Spirit has been manifested in our church that an average number of 1,000 people come to attend prayer meeting physically every morning. Last year, in 2022, the total number of converting was 1,991, and tithes increased by 20%. As for the CNY evangelistic campaign of “Welcome the Spring with Joy and Heavenly Blessing” in 2023, the number of church contacts has exceeded the target of 200,000 people (by January), and is approaching 300,000 people. “Open your heart”, the first time to broadcast on the radio at RTHK shows that God will lead the church to a greater and new breakthrough in the “Year of New Wave”. In easy times the cost of being a disciple does not seem to be high, and people take the name of Christ without undergoing the radical transformation that a true conversion implies. Christian spirituality is rooted in our relationship to God and true discipleship means forsaking everything, taking up our cross to follow Jesus.

“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me (Luke 9:23).”

Difficult days are bound to come and people are going through doubts and struggle in the midst of hardship, God gives perseverance and strength for His people to stand firm and live a God-centered life.